“The woman who thinks she can’t, and the one who thinks she can are both exactly right.”
Chelsea S. Phillips is a native of Conyers, Georgia, where she was raised in a busy household with her parents and three sisters. Growing up, she was referred to as the son her father never had; although she was a girly girl, you could catch her playing recreational basketball between cheerleading practice and watching football games after ballet.
Phillips’ love for sports became even more apparent when she cheered on the sidelines of varsity basketball and varsity football games in high school, falling in love with the feeling of “Friday Night Lights.” Upon graduating at the top of her class with honors as student body president, she was elated to be accepted to Auburn University, just months after they became the 2010 BCS National Champions. Phillips would spend her next four years cheering on her Auburn Tigers, and eventually found herself working with Auburn Athletics.
Here, she was taught the ins and outs of football. Not only was she responsible for social media content for the Tigers’, but she would soon learn the recruitment process for four and five star athletes and what it looked like to have them commit to the program. Working in the media relations department laid the foundation of what would soon become a PR career. Her most notable memory from working for the Tigers was starting the Auburn Football Instagram account, which now has grown to more than 230,000 followers.
After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations and a concentration in business management, Phillips did not immediately or definitely land a job in her field. Instead, she decided to join the family business in personal finance where she became a licensed agent. This is where she’d develop her leadership and people skills, become a self-development queen and learned the art of event planning from her mom. However, she knew that although no one wanted to hire the college graduate with little experience, and the flexibility that the family business provided, she would be in a position to create her own brand and make a name for herself in the world of professional sports and PR.
In 2019, Chelsea Phillips Public Relations, or CPR, was birthed.